Thinking About Making Your Positive Change?

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Are you stuck in a rut, feeling trapped by unsettled emotions or wanting to find better balance in your life? You are not alone, many people have these feelings, yet accept that ‘that’s the way it is’ or ‘it’s just me’, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Being aware that something needs to change is the first step. Wanting to make that change is the second step, but where do you go next? If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same results, so if the results you’ve been getting don’t work for you – TRY SOMETHING NEW!

For real, positive change to take place, often the programs that have been running in the subconscious part of our brain need to be re-written, generating new beliefs and behaviours. The right kind of hypnotherapy (use of hypnosis in psychotherapy) can play an important role in helping you to make your positive change and transform your life. Hypnotherapy helps you to begin to relax and change your focus, and gain a greater sense of awareness of what’s going on for you. This awareness opens your mind to other possibilities and so the seeds of change are sown…..

What is hypnosis?

Whatever you have seen on the television about stage hypnosis – people clucking like chickens – is nothing like hypnosis used in therapy. It is not a ‘miracle cure’ that is done to you, in therapeutic hypnosis you remain in control at all times. We all naturally enter states of hypnosis quite frequently, we just don’t think of it as being hypnosis. Daydreaming is an example, also driving your car and then suddenly wondering where the last 10 minutes went, because you can’t remember. With hypnotherapy, you will be guided into a state of deep relaxation, you remain aware of what’s going and in control. It is this relaxed state that makes communication directly with the subconscious possible and therefore, provides the means to re-write any programs that are no longer working for you, so that positive change can happen. It is completely safe and everything discussed during a therapy session is completely confidential.

Finding a good therapist

So, you’ve made the decision that you’re ready to make your own positive change, what’s the next step? Knowing someone who has already made positive changes in their life and contacting their therapist is always a great way forward. For positive change to happen you need to feel comfortable with your therapist, so check out their website, talk to them on the phone – do they inspire you and make you believe that you can make these changes?
What therapies do they use, is it just hypnosis or do they use a range of supporting therapies to suit your particular needs? Do they take an holistic approach – working with mind, body and soul? What qualifications do they have and are they registered with their professional body, such as the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC)? Being a member of a professional body means that the therapist is governed by that body’s Code of Ethics and you can expect them to behave in a professional and ethical way at all times. Are they a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists? CNHC’s register has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

These are all things to consider and there are many good therapists out there, so take your time to choose the right one for you. Making positive changes is about starting your own therapeutic journey, a journey of discovery – treat it like an adventure! Your therapist will ‘walk’ with you and be your guide, as you find your way to success.